Broken Wing Guitar repairs and restores used, salvaged, damaged, and vintage string instruments.....It began with a background and love of woodworking and acoustic music that developed into a passion as all things that you love do.To get our hands dirty and maybe with a little luck be able to give back some life to an instrument that may have ended up in the trash or someone's attic or closet, and let it make sweet music as it was intended to do. I do not claim to be the finest luthier or craftsman by any measure, just a person with a love for music and the instruments and people that make it.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Seagull S6

Picked up this busted Seagull  S6 model to see if it could be repaired. The verdict is still out, since I am not sure if I will continue on or just scrap it for parts. The top was busted up pretty bad and so it was taken off completely and what remained was glued back together.

Plywood sides and back with cherry veneer. Solid cedar top.

Back was seperated as well

Inside look at LR Baggs micro eq equalizer w/volume, bass, treble controls

Jack plug end pin

Bolted neck joint. Brown plastic binding with small plastic cream purfling.

Removed all the braces from the top to salvage. There is a  plywood brace mixed with spruce braces. If continued new top will have all new replacement spruce braces.

Appears to be poplar neck block, tailblock, and linings

Some more pictures of taking apart, cleaning up, gluing back together.

That was the easy part. I picked out a cedar set that I had for the replacement top. Now to decide to continue on or not. I have done a top replacement similar to this with plywood sides and have had a hard time with the bindings and damaging finish on sides. To be continued..

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