Broken Wing Guitar repairs and restores used, salvaged, damaged, and vintage string instruments.....It began with a background and love of woodworking and acoustic music that developed into a passion as all things that you love do.To get our hands dirty and maybe with a little luck be able to give back some life to an instrument that may have ended up in the trash or someone's attic or closet, and let it make sweet music as it was intended to do. I do not claim to be the finest luthier or craftsman by any measure, just a person with a love for music and the instruments and people that make it.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Build 2 Update

Working on guitar build number 2. Number 1 turned into the Hurricane Irene model and still has issues that may never be worked out. Right now she is sitting on the bench as inspiration for number 2.

This guitar has bubinga sides and back with a leapordwood back stripe, and will have matching leaporwood bindings. I really like the look of the leapordwood, it makes a nice contrast with many woods.

Mahogany linings and installing mahogany side reinforcement strips.
The inside back center strip being installed in my make shift go bar deck

I had some old mahogany boards from a friend given to me years ago that came from salvaged pallets. They will make great braces and lining strips.

Back braces being fitted and glued.

Carving the back braces

Gluing up the sitka spruce top.

To be continued...

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