Broken Wing Guitar repairs and restores used, salvaged, damaged, and vintage string instruments.....It began with a background and love of woodworking and acoustic music that developed into a passion as all things that you love do.To get our hands dirty and maybe with a little luck be able to give back some life to an instrument that may have ended up in the trash or someone's attic or closet, and let it make sweet music as it was intended to do. I do not claim to be the finest luthier or craftsman by any measure, just a person with a love for music and the instruments and people that make it.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Guitar Build Update 6-17-11

I am thoroughly convinced that the reason for taking up this work is to keep me humble.
I believe that I have made every mistake that one can make during the building of this instrument. Despite my shortcomings and inabilities the project is moving forward albeit not quite the instrument that I had dreamed it would be.

 I have managed to put the body together, hopefully learning from my mistakes along the way.

My hope is that no matter how disfigured it may be that it plays beautifully when finished.
I will continue on, bindings and neck work next.

In the mean time I have already started thinking about the next instrument. I have brought in a 000 model for making some templates, and have selected some woods to use for it. The back and sides will be Bubinga with a Cedar top. I guess I am hooked...

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