Broken Wing Guitar repairs and restores used, salvaged, damaged, and vintage string instruments.....It began with a background and love of woodworking and acoustic music that developed into a passion as all things that you love do.To get our hands dirty and maybe with a little luck be able to give back some life to an instrument that may have ended up in the trash or someone's attic or closet, and let it make sweet music as it was intended to do. I do not claim to be the finest luthier or craftsman by any measure, just a person with a love for music and the instruments and people that make it.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

I'm Back!

Hey guys and gals after a long sabbatical from the blog I have returned. Hard to believe the blog has over 8,000 hits from all over the globe. I hope that you picked up some useful information or found what you were searching for.
Lets start off with a picture gluing up a back for a walnut and Sitka small bodied guitar that is just getting underway. You can see my process is pretty simple just using old bar clamps with some wedges. Don't forget the wax paper when gluing!
Then a picture from the Martin Guitar Museum in Nazareth PA where I recently visited (more pictures from here later). Real cool, looks kind of like my shop, or any woodworkers shop for that matter.
Finally a little Cordoba Cadete 3/4 size classical guitar that was brought in with a few dings and the bridge had come off along with needing a new saddle.

Hey thanks for sticking around, I hope to be back soon with more updates on some new guitars that I am working on..

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