Broken Wing Guitar repairs and restores used, salvaged, damaged, and vintage string instruments.....It began with a background and love of woodworking and acoustic music that developed into a passion as all things that you love do.To get our hands dirty and maybe with a little luck be able to give back some life to an instrument that may have ended up in the trash or someone's attic or closet, and let it make sweet music as it was intended to do. I do not claim to be the finest luthier or craftsman by any measure, just a person with a love for music and the instruments and people that make it.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Todays Fixins

This is todays post. Not one particular, but a few different things happening.. I have been busy at work, so things slow down a little.

The L-48 gets some side clamping trying to piece the side back together. Not certain how this will turn out.

The D40 gets a coat of lacquer. This has not been fun, finishing is tough..

The May Bell mandolin gets a new top. Cutting the oval and adding a walnut trim ring..

 And whats this ? A fiddle and a wiener dog with crazy eyes. Newest addition of an old French violin purchased from a guy in Scotland.. More to come on this new venture into the violin world...

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